What Sets Us Apart

Our company advises clients on how to maximize the value of their commercial real estate portfolio. Our approach includes a comprehensive study of their current real estate holdings and designing a plan to best fit their individual ownership goals and future portfolio objectives. With a specialization in shopping center investment sales and retail advisory services, our focus is to keep an up-to-date pulse on the market to best understand current and future trends. This is accomplished by the constant and consistent research of relevant market data within the overall retail sector and even most specifically how this data affects the state of Florida, West Coast of Florida, and the Tampa MSA.

Our Relationships

This is accomplished by the constant and consistent research of relevant market data within the overall retail sector and even most specifically how this data affects the state of Florida, West Coast of Florida, and the Tampa MSA.  In conjunction with staying up to date on the current and future trends, we have built long standing relationships with retailers, commercial retail leasing brokers, commercial retail appraisers, commercial real estate lenders, commercial real estate attorneys, commercial property managers and other participants active within the shopping center sector. This allows us the exposure required to remain current on what is going on within the sector, best practices for the industry and the ability to ultimately add the most value to our clients. Our commitment to property research sets us apart from anyone else in the shopping center industry.

Our Approach

Our approach includes a constant and consistent evaluation of existing shopping center assets within the state of Florida and more specifically within the Tampa market. This includes tracking shopping centers and commercial properties that have recently sold, currently on market, the industry players involved and the individual dynamics for each deal. This research provides us with the ability to best understand current market value for this property type and the ability to advise our clients on the value of their individual assets relative to the market at any point in time. In addition, our research allows us to stay up to date on the most active buyer groups. By following this closely, we’re able to monitor which groups are paying the highest price for certain deals allowing us the ability to present our client’s assets to the upper end of the buyer pool. This allows us the ability to add maximize value to our client by executing and having them realize peak pricing for their asset.

Our Process

Our marketing approach is specifically custom tailored to each client and their respective property. This process includes an in-depth study of the individual property and a proprietary analysis of the positive and negative property attributes. It is important to understand the good along the bad in order to craft the best deal story narrative for the most effective marketing campaign, highlighting and showcasing the good and coming up with prepared rebuttals for the bad. After our deal analysis is completed, our process involves creating a very specific and targeted prospective purchaser list in order to pair the subject property with the most likely candidates that we feel based off of our knowledge and experience are best suited to purchase the property at the highest price for our client. The property is strategically released to the market and a proactive phone, email and digital media campaign is instituted. Our marketing process is custom tailored specifically for each individual property and property owner which has led to a track record of proven success resulting in satisfied and repeat clients.